Climate forecast: March with below-average rainfall in much of Cuba

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clima marzo cuba

The Climate Center of the Institute of Meteorology of the Republic of Cuba has announced its forecast for March, the penultimate month of the dry season.

"The average rainfall totals recorded [in March] are similar to those of February," say the experts. Precipitation depends fundamentally on the frontal systems that affect the archipelago. Thunderstorms and sometimes strong southerly winds occur.

The average temperature of the national territory in March increases with respect to January and February, typically, “but —says Casablanca— it is still a cool or slightly cold month”.

Taking into account that the persistence of the La Niña phenomenon (in the tropical Pacific Ocean) is anticipated, and that the first incidence of this event on the behavior of the climate in Cuba during the dry season is the decrease in rainfall, the Center of the Climate forecasts, also considering what the models indicate, rains below the historical average in the western and central regions and in the norm in the east of the country for March 2022.

In relation to extreme temperatures, maximum values ​​in the norm and minimum values ​​above normal are expected.