Educational level that includes three years of study: 10th, 11th and 12th grades and involves the transition to a higher educational level. Its purpose is the achievement of development and integral formation of the student personality, with a cultural base in correspondence with the patriotic, civic and humanist ideals of the Cuban socialist society in its prosperous and sustainable development;expressed in the ways of feeling, thinking and acting in accordance with their particularities and individual interests; in correlation with social needs. This allows them to assume a scientific conception of the world and get ready for life.
This educational level, in Artemisa province, is directed by a methodological team. It is made up of 14 methodologists and 1 head of department who assists this education; there is also a 2nd head of department. This structure is similar to the current ones in the eleven municipalities of the province.
Educational level objectives:
This education pursues, among its essential objectives that students are able to:
- Express feelings of love for the Homeland, its symbols, solidarity and anti-imperialism; expressed in the knowledge and deep appreciation of history content,Marti’s work, the heroes’ example, martyrs, combatants, prominent personalities, and leaders of the Cuban Revolution; as well as in their behavior in accordance with the values ??of culture and humanism of our socialist ideology; and their decision to take part with their student and social actions in the development and continuity of it.
- To show the moral, political and legal education in their citizen action; expressed in the pride that characterizes them as Cuban; by identifying themselves as part of the nature and culture of their country; in the defense of the principles of socialist democracy and compliance with the legal principles established by the Constitution of the Republic; consistent with a self-regulated attitude, self-critical and critical behavior against all kinds of social indiscipline, discrimination, violence and corruption; according to their families, school and social context.
- Demonstrate the appropriation, expansion, deepening and application of the contents of the educational process; in the interpretation of facts, objects, processes and phenomena of nature; with a scientific conception of the world; taking into account its interdisciplinary links and familiarization with the Scientific research; as ways for the consolidation of theoretical thinking and self-determined,independent and creative behavior; with the use of information and communication technologies as a means of learning and a work tool; in correspondence with their individual characteristics and interests.
- Demonstrate a healthy lifestyle and its influence on the community by assuming, from the foundation knowledge of sciences and hygienic-sanitary measures; as ways for the prevention of diseases and the preservation of health; expressed in an education for responsible sexuality; and with gender equality from interpersonal relationships; based on love, affection and respect, and also in the use of correct nutritional habits; and in the prevention of accidents; as well as in the rejection of alcoholism, smoking, manifestations of prostitution and drug addiction-as part of their preparation for individual life and as future parents.
- Demonstrate a sociocultural projection in accordance with the ethical-aesthetic ideal of Cuban socialist society; manifested in knowledge, appreciation, sensitivity and spirituality in the face of beauty and good; in the ability to perceive and enjoy human affectionate relationships; and respectful towards nature, art, science, technology, and other spheres of local, national, Caribbean, Latin American, and universal culture; as an expression of self-regulation of social behavior and personal distinction.
- Demonstrate mastery and understanding of the meaning of a labor, economic and technological culture in solving problems as part of their preparation for life; identified in school, community, and society; as well as determining their labor or professional future; according to their needs, interests, potential, social and territorial priorities; showing responsibility, diligence, honesty, sincerity, solidarity, work habits and a producer mentality in Cuban socialist society.
- Demonstrate the reached level in communication through the use of various languages ??(verbal, corporal, audiovisual, algorithmic, among others); with creativity and independence, defending their points of view, arguing their personal and collective decisions and exercising criticism and self-criticism for constructive purposes. Know how to listen, speak, read and write(expressing special interest, enjoyment and good aesthetic taste for reading different types of texts); as well as learning a foreign language from an intercultural perspective; as a means of expressing their feelings, preferences, evaluations, motivations and interests in different contexts of sociocultural interaction.
- Demonstrate a positive, creative and responsible attitude towards the environment; from the understanding of the interdependence of the economic, political-social and ecological dimensions of a sustainable development; and from the knowledge of the essential causes that affect at local, national and worldwide levels; and a fundamental condition for the maintenance and preservation of the resources and the diversity of life, as well as the adaptation to the climate change on the planet.
- Demonstrate the level of independence achieved in the planning, execution, control and critical evaluation of individual and collective activities; carried out within and outside their student, mass and political organizations. This is expressed in satisfaction, knowledge and skills for thesolution of different tasks and problematic situations of daily life; as well as in responsible decision-making for the achievement of their well-being; integration into the community and the elaboration of their life project.
Our functions:
- Prepare methodologically the municipal structures for the successful conduct of the methodological work.
- Implement the adjustments contained in Ministerial Resolution 186/14 and our educational level.
- We conduct based on the results obtained in the different processes and redesigned the work of education in the province.
- We guide culturally and ideologically based on the historical and pedagogical traditions of the Cuban Revolution, contributing to the comprehensive training of students.
- We direct preventive and community work to confront social indiscipline and ideological political subversion.
- We develop activities for vocational training and professional guidance, prioritizing pedagogical specialties.
- Continue implementing the III Improvement of the National Education System for the future generalization.
- Validation of group and institutional educational projects.
- Consolidate network based on the possibilities of the environment and the popular council, where each educational institution is located.
- Maintain the stability of all cadres, officials and teachers at all levels of direction.
- Raise the quality of the methodological preparations and the improvement of our teachers; based on the quality of the class, the application of the evaluation system, the use of audiovisual materials, the formation of values ??and vocational and labor training.
- To perfect the process of vocational training and professional orientation; with an emphasis on pedagogical careers that allows the completion of our teaching staff and the continuity of studies of 100% of our students.
- Mastery of Marti’s texts and Che and Fidel’s revolutionary thought.