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Transporte Artemisa

On the first of November, mobility will return to the road with the opening of interprovincial transport on board vehicles, both state and private, after the inter-municipal return on October 25, and circulation permits are eliminated at the national level, which responds to the decrease in positive cases for COVID-19.

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Aplicación desarrollada con el objetivo de ofrecerle a la población la información de su estado de vacunación, con el cual podran estar seguros que el sistema nacional de Salud los reconoce como Personas Vacunadas.

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Los clientes a veces perciben que su paquete de datos se va volando; así es como lo refieren en redes sociales y otros espacios, y puede ser verdad si no gestionan el consumo de datos debidamente. Una buena estrategia de ahorro de datos le permite una mayor durabilidad y evitar que se malgaste su dinero sin que usted lo sepa.

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Resolution 200 of 2021 issued by the Ministry of Transportation was published this Tuesday in the Extraordinary Gazette number 63 of the Republic of Cuba. Fifteen days after its publication, the homologation process for unregistered vehicles that have been assembled by parts and pieces will come into effect, in addition to legalizing those to which changes and conversions have been made in previous stages.

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