Leandro Marcos –from the Capital- was the winner of the 56th Edition of the Australian Cycling Championship held in Guanajay this Sunday, January 12th.Luis Alejandro Ramírez from Granma, crossed the sentence line behind him, and then Jean Luis Arrieta from Guanajay, in that order.
Arrieta also won the gold medal in the Youth Category; while the silver medal was granted to Javier Cabrera from Pinar del Río; and the bronze medal to Bayron Ponce from Havana.Two “Guanajayenses” (born in Guanajay municipality) were crowned by the Masters: Alan Carballo in Master “A” category and Raúl Castillo in Master “B”; who was escorted by Javier García –from the same municipality-and after them Rosbel Guiñón from Havana. Alien García -from the capital of all Cubans- and Yosvany Alvarez from Mayabeque were second and third in Master “A”.
For 7 or 8 years the hosts grabbed all the applauses. They were Yelisa Torres Iglesias for the females and Erick Carballo for the male. He climbed to the top of the podium, leaving the second seat for Addiel García.
Israel Rivero, from Havana, entered the goal first in the 9 to 10 years’ category. Cristofer A. Suárez and David Mojica, -both from Guanajay- were lagging behind.
Rita Oddett Salazar from Bauta won in the female 12-13 years’ category; followed by Jani Carcachefrom the same municipality; Marcia Guarzonfrom Guanajay was third. The following males were awarded: Adrián Duquerne from Güira de Melena, Frank Odelín from Bauta and Gerarmando Pozo from La Lisa.
In the 14 to 16-year-old category, Tamaris Carmona and María Karla Cabrales -fromGüira de Melena- occupied first and third place respectively; Melisa Bouse-from Havana- was second.José Alberto Domínguez -from Havana- was the winnerin the male category, followed by Hamlet Castillo -from Artemisa- and Brayan Gálvez-from Güira de Melena.
The awards were made by Elaisa Blanco (President of thePopular Power Municipal Assembly); Raúl Carballo (Provincial Commissioner of Cycling); Eduardo Alonso and Yuniel Alonso (Sports Glories); as well as the local cycling veterans who took part in Circuits to Cuba: Félix González, Miguel Prieto and Lázaro Orozco.
Guanajay, once again, demonstrated its status as a cycling venue par excellence in this 56th Edition of its pedal classic; a right that has been gained and will always be Guanajay's.