The boys and girls of early childhood celebrate the 28th anniversary of the implementation of the program Educate your Child. The celebration activities for the day were held at Artemisa municipality's house of culture.
Mothers and fathers accompanied their little ones in songs and dramatizations that filled the morning with color.
The celebration was the tribute made, by those who know how to love, to our National Hero, José Martí; just a few days before commemorating the 167th anniversary of his birth.
The activity was chaired by Magalis Barrios, provincial methodologist and responsible for this program. This was a timely moment to recognize the coordinators of the most outstanding Popular Councils for their work.
Once again and with infinitive kindness, Pilar caressed Rose’s little shoes, before giving them to the sick girl with a kiss.
They are the smallest of the house, and the hope of the world is in them.